Saturday 3 September 2016


I was recently introduced to an Instagram page @ariellesays who talks about her weight loss journey. You should check her out on tumbler as well ( I saw that she was doing a challenge called #thegoal30 and decided it's something I want to do!

So, what is #thegoal30?

Set yourself 30 non-scale goals for the month and then complete them! I'm not entirely sure where the original idea came from and what the original intent was. However, for me it's about being proud of myself for accomplishing something every single day, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. I've been going to a therapist since March 2016 and I discovered through her that I never learned to congratulate myself for anything that wasn't a huge accomplishment. Living like that sets you up for A LOT of disappointments in life. So, my goal for September is to celebrate small accomplishments every single day, and hopefully have that become a new habit for life. Stay tuned for days 4 - 30!

Day 1 : Make it through your first day back at work since being off on sick leave for 6 months. Success!

Day 2 : Go kickboxing 3 times in one week! Done!
 Day 3: Get on/off the elevator 2 floors before you have to and take the stairs the rest of the way.

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