I realized when I had gotten to the elevator this morning that I had forgotten my coffee on the counter. I hesitated between just leaving it there and buying one on the way or walking back to get it. Obviously the more logical answer was to go back, so I did. Keep in my I had only been gone for about 2 minutes from the apartment. Well, as I opened the door, I am surprised (but not really) to find my underwear at the front door. Why was I not surprised? Because Shelby, my beloved dog, loves eating my panties. Seriously, she's a gross weirdo. Anyway, I guess, since I leave for work every morning she assumed today was no different. How was she to know that I would be back so quickly! I must have surprised her though because she was hiding in bed when I was looking for her. Needless to say, she had no time to actually eat my underwear, so I managed to hide them from her. Disclaimer: Andre did laundry last night and we didn't get around to putting it away and that's why my dirty laundry was on the floor.
I didn't realize, but the next two stories also have to do with underwear and stuff. I should have probably written a warning at the top of this post. Oh well, too late now. But if you'd rather not hear about anymore underwear, stop reading.
I believe I mentioned before that being a kindergarten teacher we deal with a lot of accidents. Yep, it's part of the job. I've been pooed on, peed on and barfed on, and I've cleaned up numerous children's bodily fluids. It's just the way it goes. Most days it's not terrible, although I admit barf gets to me badly, very badly. Anyway, I digress. When we came in from recess today the kids sat down for story time (this sounds so much more lovely than it is.... it's about 15 minutes of insisting the kids sit and constant reminders that I'm still reading while half of them have a dumbfounded look on their face cause they have no idea what's going on and 2 of them are punching each other cause that's what they do.) Anyway, it was story time. Half way through the story it started to smell a little funky in the class. At the end of the story, it smelled terrible and kids were plugging their noses. I thought perhaps someone had bad gas and that it would pass in a few moments. Was I ever wrong....
After the kids had gone to various spots in the class to play and I was setting up my work table, I noticed a little girl sitting just off of the carpet, leaning to one side, her skirt hiked all the way up. Yep.... she had an accident. But holy hell, she was sitting there happy as ever. So, my ECE refused to help clean the kid ( I get it, it's not her job and no one gets paid enough to do this). However, what are we to do? Even if we were to call the parents, it would be really inhumane to have her sitting like that while we wait for them. So, I called the principal. She rushes to my class and I point to the kid and tell her I need help. She kind of turned green but said okay. I understood after that she had just started eating her lunch. I apologized to her a dozen times.
Together, we go into the washroom and help this kid get changed. I admit, I was on the floor laughing at some point because the principal was gagging and dry heaving while the little girl looked at us a just kept smiling. It was just too much to handle. Anyway, I'll save you all the nitty gritty details although they are quite hilarious and just say that we used about a dozen wipes before she was decently clean.

Welcome to my life.... Have a good night all!!!
P.S. #thegoal30 update :
Day 13: Go kickboxing on a work weeknight!
Day 14: Resist temptation! (I really wanted to order Swiss Chalet but we had a fridge full of leftovers and I forced myself to eat what I had to save money and save calories!
Day 15: Go out on a weeknight/mingle with coworkers.
OMG! Lololololol