Sunday 18 September 2016

I'm here!

I gave myself a 10 minutes time limit to write this post, and I'm now at 5 minutes... might be a bit tough. Actually, to be honest, I just want to go to bed, but I told myself to write a little something because I travel off to la-la land.

#thegoal30 UPDATE:
"Always catching up.... I'm 6 days behind!!! What's important though is in reaching a goal every day whether I post it on #instagram or not. Days 13-18 of#thegoal30 : go to a work organized social event after work, save a frog, go out on Friday and Saturday night (note to self I was out THREE times this week... Anyone who knows me knows how amazing that is), make coffee at home every single weekday/avoid buying coffee (also an amazing feat!), complete a lengthy to-do list on a #superlazysunday . Another successful week. On to the next one!"

Three minutes left... It's been a very busy week, Wednesday I went to my psychotherapist in the afternoon, it's the first time I've seen her since I went back to work - she's extremely proud of me! We had a great chat about setting boundaries with people and about easing back into work life. It's NORMAL to be tired, and it's NORMAL to feel like you don't have it all together. It takes TIME to get back into things. And most importantly, if your place is a little messy because you're at work and you're exhausted when you get home, is the world going to end? Is anyone going to die? No. Give yourself a break, do 10 minutes of cleaning every day if you want to and that gives you 70 minutes per week. That's GOOD ENOUGH. Remember, you aren't perfect and you don't need to pretend that you are. I type this as much for myself as for anyone else who might right this. 

Thursday evening we had a social dinner with co-workers. I don't like to participate in these things but I did and it was nice. We chatted, got to know some people a little more and it was a relaxed setting. I'm proud of myself to making the effort to go, and I'm glad that I did. 

Friday was AndrĂ©'s birthday (my husband of 5 months). I had booked a table for us and some friends at Copacabana Brazilian Steakhouse and it was delicious! If you've never been there, I highly recommend it! All you can eat meat, salad, potatoes, and other stuff for $45 each. The grilled pineapple and fried bananas are TO DIE FOR!!! Definitely worth going once, or twice... or many times after that. We went next door to La Carnita's taco bar around 11 pm to have a drink and then went home. They apparently have delicious tacos so I will have to go back to try them out!

Saturday we had a wedding to go to. My cousin got married and it was a fun night. It was a rainy day, but that didn't dampen to party. We got home around 1 am. It was really great to see some family, and then to dance the night away! 

And then comes Sunday. I have a love/hate when Sundays. It's a day off so that's good, but it's the day before the work week starts, so that's kind of crummy. And I seem to always be tired on Sundays. For example, today I rolled out of bed at 12. Seriously... my coworker called me at 10am (really, why?!?!) but I didn't answer. We talked later and I kindly asked her to no longer call me on weekends. Being on sick leave because of work has completely refocused my sense of life. Working yourself silly is just not worth it. What can't be done by Friday 5 pm can wait until Monday 8 am. That's my new motto. That being said, I did do a bit of work today, but I had time and it was my choice. I didn't feel obligated to do it, but I knew that if I did it I would feel less worried about it tomorrow morning. 

Alright, I am 7 minutes over my time limit! Darn. If I have time tomorrow, I'm going to post a Public Service Announcement. Stay tuned!

Until next time, have a lovely, lovely Monday!

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