Tuesday 20 September 2016

PSA - Hair Colour

Hello everyone! I'm actually posting something a day early! I'm impressed with myself . Today's post is a public service announcement about hair colour. My cousin will be happy I did this. You see, Pinterest is an amazing website FULL of ideas, and I'm on it all the time. But my cousin, and hairdressers in general, hate Pinterest because they don't come with a warning. She finds it unbelievably frustrating to meet people's expectations. Why? Because Pinterest shows you perfection. Pinterest show you the ideal. Pinterest shows you what your hair will look like as you leave the salon but not what it will look like a few days later or after the first time you wash it. So, that's why I'm here! First to give you some warnings and second to share my experiences. 

I recently dyed the bottom layer of my hair purple, as you probably saw on a previous post. I love it, it's fun and funky. However, my cousin told me if I want my colour to last, there are a few rules. First is wash your hair as few times as possible. If you can go 3 days without washing that's ideal. When I do finally shower: separate my blonde hair from the purple hair when I wash it. This sounds easy enough, but trust me, it isn't. There's always some purple in my blonde and some blonde in my purple. Secondly, wash your hair in COLD, and I mean ICE COLD, water. When you don't have a removable shower head let me just say that showering has become a very unpleasant part of my routine. Third is to use SULFATE-FREE shampoo. I've been using L'OrĂ©al EVERPURE Sulfate-Free Color Care System. It seems to be alright but I'm not a huge fan of the smell.  So, how has all of that worked out for me? Let's do a comparison. First few images are all Day 1 in various lighting. I wish I had taken slightly better pictures for comparison value, but this is what we're stuck with. Anyway, you can see that the purple is REALLY purple and that the colour is pretty vibrant. 

The following pictures are taken from today, so 10 days after I got my hair coloured and about 4 washes/blow dries. The picture on the top right is taken in direct sunlight, which is why it has more of a pinkish hue. As you can see, the colour has faded but not as much because of using the sulfate-free shampoo, washing my hair every three days and washing in COLD water. My The purple is quite obviously not as vibrant though, and closer to the root, there is barely any colour, the reaosn being my roots are darker than the rest of my hair so the colour wasn't virant to start with. I have experimented with many hair colours in the past and I have to say that unnatural colours (blue, purple, red, pink, green...) especially "red" based colours are VERY hard to up keep. Unless your willing to put in the effort to make the colour last, I would honestly advise not to waste your money. I'm lucky because I get a nice discount seeing as my cousin is my hairdresser, but paying upwards of $200 for your colour to only last a week and a half is just ridiculous.

Purple & Pink!

Find more pictures of hair fading. I'm pretty dedicated to keeping my hair as nice as I can for as long as I can, so I always try to do the proper upkeep. The purple and pink "before" picture is from October and the after picture is from a month later. It's not bad to be honest and the fact that the colour is underneath the fading isn't such a big deal. I do remember having to be very careful when washing my hair though so that the colours wouldn't bleed in to the blonde. 

Next there are pictures of when I went from blonde to a plum red colour. I have to say that colour lasted pretty long and the only downside is when my blonde roots started showing it kind of made me look like I was going grey. Not a nice look at all! 

Okay, enough hair colour pictures!! Although when I have a bit of time I might make a colour of my hair colour through the years. I didn't realize how many different hair colours I've had!! 

Lastly, I tried a new hairstyle today and quite liked the look of it. That's the last picture that I'll post! 

If you liked this post please comment below with your thoughts! 

Until next time....


  1. Pretty sure I remember you having the green hair as a teenager. You have the coolest mom! Lol

    1. Mmm, yeah, I tried blue and it faded to green. Did not enjoy that! But yeah, my parents were pretty cool with it all. They went on vacation once when I was in grade 9 and when they came home my hair was hot pink. That was a start of my hair colours...
