Monday 2 January 2017

January Second - Resolved

Writing Prompt : Resolved

I can't recall a single time that I have stuck to my New Years Resolution for an entire year. Upon reflection, I ask myself - you decided that resolutions had to be for the whole year? We put unnecessary pressure on ourselves to stick to a (usually) unattainable goal. Why tell yourself you're going to go to the gym every weekday if you have never done it before and gym's just aren't your thing? Why decided to stop drinking alcohol or coffee or pop if you drink those every day? We pick these goals that we think are ideal but really, we are setting ourselves up for failure and disappointment. 

So, what's different this year? No resolutions at all? No. I have a few, but they are attainable, reasonable and vague. I am setting myself up for success. I have resolved to be nicer to myself than I have in past years. Does it mean I have to be nice to myself for 365 days? No. I can't be disappointed in myself or have "bad" days? No. I am just determined to be nicer to myself more often than I was in 2016. I will not let myself fall as low as I did last year. I will take care of myself, be a better me than months before, I will strive to love myself just a little bit more than I did before. This is an attainable goal, and I will reach it. 

Photo Challenge: One Word

I wasn't too sure how to approach this subject - do I pick a word and take a picture that represents it or do I take a picture of a word? I decided to snap this: the cover of my writing prompt book; a word that represents something that makes me happy; a character from a series of books I love. It all seemed appropriate. 

Enjoy, check back tomorrow!

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