Sunday 29 January 2017

Always catching up....

Well, the writing hasn't been going so well. But it's okay. I've been trying to keep up with the photos and then when I get around to posting them on the blog it gives me an opportunity to write. So, here we go!

Photo Prompts January 12th to 28th

Day 12: Icy Bokeh

I admit, I had to look up the word "bokeh" because I had absolutely no idea what it meant. Anyway, I visited the Chihuly exhibition at the Royal Ontario Museum and this seemed perfect for the prompt. I did however use an app to add the bokeh. I really enjoy how this turned out.

Day 13 : Currently Loving

So, my dog loves stuffed toys. A lot. She plays with them, she chews on them, she sleeps with them, and she even does the dirty with them (yes, i'm serious). Anyway, she got this one at Christmas but we had put it away cause she had another one. Finally we pulled this one out. She looks super cute and loving in the first picture. Unfortunately, 24 hours later she savagely had chewed its face off.

Day 14: Inviting

These are my slippers. On a cold wintry day they are very inviting, super cozy and warm.

Day 15: Now

My wonderfully talented cousin made this pillow cover for my husband and I. I chose it for the prompt because before I was Ms. Portelance and now I am Mrs. Fernandes.

Day 16: Quiet

School starts at 9 am. Most people arrive between 8:30 and 8:45. I like to show up at 7:30. Yes, it's early. And yes, some days I decide to sleep in a bit longer. But I like to get there early because its quiet and I can focus. I can catch up on some of my work and I am alone. As soon as people start arriving the hustle and bustle of a regular day starts and I no longer feel calm and relaxed.

Day 17: Bubbles

Day 18: Chosen
                                                              I got these chocolates as a Christmas gift from one of my students' parents. I didn't touch them because I thought it was so cool and so nice and I just wanted to admire the chocolates and the packaging. However, I bit the bullet on this day and picked out the chocolate from Ecuador. I picked it because my mom has a friend from Ecuador and it seemed like an appropriate place to start. Let me just say that these are some of the most delicious dark chocolates I have ever, ever eaten. Fingers crossed that I get more of these some day soon, as they aren't available in Canada. 
Day 19: Chilly
Day 20: Neighbourhood

This is a repost from earlier in the summer when I would walk my dog in the neighbourhood early in the morning. 

Day 21: Winter Berries

I got really lucky with this picture. I was walking on the Danforth with my mom after we got our nails done and I happened to spot these decorative pots that had been up for Christmas. Thankfully no one took them away and some of them still had berries in them! I'm glad I was able to capture this, otherwise I would have had to gotten more creative.

Day 23 to 26

Top Left : Action (January 23)
One of my students writing a sign to help us remember what goes in the recyling bin.

Top Right : Open (January 24)
My tangerine is open.

Bottom Left: What I'm Eating (January 25)
A handful of almonds. Yum, yum yum.

Bottoms Right : Spontaneous
(January 26)
Coloured rice in my classroom's sensory bin.

Day 27 : Dried Flowers

Day 28 : Fortune

This is my "piggy" bank, which is actually a hippo. Small change can add up to a small fortune with time. 
That's it! I truly hope to get back to writing a bit more this week and to keep up with photos and blogging so that I don't have to spend this time catching up! Please leave comments below if you enjoyed any of these pictures or have any questions or comments!

Happy Sunday everyone! 

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