Thursday 7 February 2019

Artsy stuff

It's so hard to find time to write! Baby girl barely naps, and she won't sleep until late so by that time, I just want to crawl into my bed and sleep!
I wish I could hook up a contraption to my brain that would type out my thoughts though, because I have a ton of time to think about what I'm going to write, just no time to sit down and do it. I'm also going back to work in a few weeks, so I'll have even less time.
Anyway, I'm still working on the meal delivery comparison - I have all of two sentences written! I'm debating about the format. I was hoping to do one long blog comparing everything, but I think I'll have to break it down into a few shorter blogs with a nice little chart at the end summing it all up. We shall see. But, that's not what today's post is about! Nope, today I'm here to talk about a failed art experiment with baby girl.

I saw this on Pinterest (  and thought it was cute. I pinned it and forgot about it, as I do with most things on those boards. Anyway, while looking for something else, this pin popped back up and I thought it might be fun to try. I dissuaded myself a few times, and in all fairness, I told myself that it would just be a disaster. But, I couldn't stop thinking about it, and the potentially cute result. Also, nothing is keeping baby girl happy today, and mommy is tired, so I thought this would buy me 5 minutes.

 Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Okay, it wasn't a complete disaster like there was paint everywhere (just a little here and there....) But it definitely wasn't a success. I hadn't planned on her deciding to rip the plastic wrap off instead of smooshing it around with the paint. I hadn't planned on her trying to eat it, although I really should have because she puts everything in her mouth. Anyway, this was a stressful five minutes and the results are.... mediocre. I think this activity is made for a calm baby, which is definitely not the definition of this sassy girl!

Anyway, here are a few pictures to accompany the story. Stay tuned, cause I'll be using her masterpieces to letter on.

Tuesday 29 January 2019

So, it's been another year...

Hahahaha, my last post on this blog was last year! And I only wrote one post last year! Perhaps I thought that when I'd be on maternity leave, I'd have time to blog! I would have a ton of material, to be honest, but absolutely no energy or will. And, admittedly, since not many people read this blog I guess I was inspired to continue with it. However, I do feel like I might get back into it, at least writing more than ONE blog in 2019. 

Today's post won't be long, but I WILL be back. 

I recently tried out a bunch of different weekly meal kit plans and I want to write a comprehensive comparison of them all. So far, we've tried Goodfood, Chefs Plate and Hello Fresh. We still plan on trying one more company called Miss Fresh. 

In the coming weeks, I'll blog about the differences, similarities and ultimately which one we prefer and why. So, stay tuned for that! Drop a comment below if you read this and are looking forward to upcoming posts! I hope to start writing about adventures with Baby Girl, as well as some of my more artsy stuff again. 

Until next time... hopefully before January 2020!