Monday 10 October 2016

I'm Back?

Hello readers!

So, I've been away for a while. Not on vacation or anything, but mentally away. Let me explain, the transition to going back to work has been a mega challenge. In some aspects I'm doing alright, such as getting back into the work routine and actually getting through the day. In other ways, I'm doing terribly, such as cooking dinner after work, making sure the apartment is tidy, working out and so on.

I was feeling really down about everything, and I guess I still am, but I'm trying not to let it get to me. My therapist acknowledged that it's hard to have 2 working people and to keep up a household. Yes, some people manage it, and no, I don't even have kids yet, but she's letting me know that just because I think everyone else seems to have it together, that's not always the case. It's normal to be struggling with juggling so many things in life. That comforts me. Although it doesn't fix anything, it lets me know that I'm not failing where the rest of the world is succeeding.

I'm using this blog a bit like a journal, to share some inner thoughts, frustrations and anecdotes from time to time. I would also like to start sharing some stuff I wrote in the past in order to get opinions and to help me start writing again. Not today though, I'm asking too much of myself, haha. I'm also still trying to figure out what I want this blog to be about and what direction I want to go in so that readers can enjoy it. Any suggestions are welcome!

Since I find it comforting to find out that I'm not abnormal or a failure when I think I am, I'd like to share a few thoughts in the hopes that someone else reading this will know that they are doing well also, even if they don't feel like they are!

Did you know:

- Apparently only around 30% of women get pregnant within the first month of trying. It bumps up to 60% after 3 months of trying, around 80% after 6 months and around 90% within a year. Now, if you don't know this, you can understand why after 2 months of trying a girl might feel inadequate or as if something is wrong. And then there's people getting pregnant "by accident" all around you, it's frustrating.

- Loosing weight is more about what you eat than how much you exercise? I need to be better about my food choices - part of me being "mentally absent" has unfortunately led to me ordering out more than cooking. This week I have a plan though!
Tuesday: Veggie Burrito Bowl
Wednesday: Lasagna leftover
Thursday: Chicken with potatoes and asparagus
Friday: Homemade tomato sauce and spaghetti.
I know if I sit down and take the time to plan, I usually stick to it. That's my goal going forward. Make a plan and stick to it! I did however put my kickboxing membership on hold just until I get life back on track. Hopefully that's soon!

I would like to blog another 2 times this week, so I'm hoping to get to that. I'm also thinking of starting a second blog dedicated solely to teaching stuff. Thoughts on that?

Goodnight everyone! I thoroughly enjoyed my extra day off, but it's back to the grind tomorrow. Have a great week!


  1. Sometimes when you let go of stress is when good things happen. Or so I've been told. I say forget the second blog...something else to look after. Or you make the teaching blog and all the stuff you would put here becomes a paper journal. Anyway it's true you aren't alone...I'm single and can't seem to keep it all together so it's good to remind myself that the baseboards don't need to be dusted every week.

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