Wednesday 26 October 2016

A Few Anecdotes

Student: "Madame, can you call my mom pleaseandthankyou?" (Please and Thank you are one word for this kid)

Me:"How come?"

Student:" Because I have to poo."

Me: "Ok.... but why not just use the washroom at school?"

Student: "Because there's no toilet seats."

Me:"What, what do you mean there are no toilet seats?"

Student: "There's no seat. It's gonna hurt me."

Me: " No, no. There are toilet seats."

Student: " Mommy had my Lightning McQueen toilet seat!"

Me: " Okay, but we can't call mommy every time you have to poo to bring your toilet seat. We have toilets with seats at school, you can use those."

Student: " Bu there's no seat! I'll show you." *Point to the urinal*

Me:" You're right, that has no seat. But that's not where you poo. You poo in the stall, those toilets have seats."

Student: " But it's going to hurt me."

Me: Completely confused.
".... I'm done."

Today, as every Wednesday, I went to my Psych appointment. After talking about what's going on and
To which I replied, "no... not really. I probably should."
my feelings and why my job is really not working for me, my doctor said: " I'm going to ask you a strange question coming from a doctor... but do you drink?"
To which she then said, "You know, sometimes when you have a glass of wine to look forward to at the end of the day it can change your perspective on things."
"Are you telling me to drink my problems away?"
"Not exactly, but a drink or two to relax wouldn't hurt!"

Wise, wise words.... as I sip my bailey's & hot chocolate...

Sunday 23 October 2016

SIA : A Review... kind of

Hello all!

Well, I've had one hell of a week. I was very sick - basically paralyzingly (is that a word?!) sick. Anyway, this post is not about THAT. This post is about the Sia Concert that I went to last night! And in fact, it's more about the people at the concert than the concert itself. Let me explain. 

The concert was great. I wasn't a huge fan of the opening act (Miguel), it's just not my kind of music. I also wasn't a fan of the long, long pauses between the start of the concert and between Miguel and Sia coming on. It kind of killed the vibe. Anyway, for anyone who knows Sia, this is not the kind of concert where you expect to see frills and a crazy show. No. Sia stands in a corner, hidden under her signature wig with a giant bow on her head and she belts out her wonderful songs. The stage is left for the performers who deliver strange, sometimes incomprehensible to me, interpretations of the songs. My husband said it best : "This was a theatrical performance to the songs of Sia." And I am definitely not saying this in a negative way at all, it was great. Very interesting, and she sounded amazing, as I knew she would. 

Now, on to what this post is REALLY about. It's the people who attended the concert. I am going to make a social commentary on our use of phones. I admit, I am on my phone a lot and I use if often and sometimes I have to force myself to just put the damn things down. The way people use their phones, reminds me of when I first got my SLR Camera. I stopped enjoying things because I just wanted to capture it all. Capture the best picture. I would miss the whole night of fireworks trying to get a few good shots of those colourful lights in the sky. I eventually started planning specific events for photo taking and leaving my camera at home other times. The problem now is, our phones are always with us. And look at the photo attached to this post - we went to dinner before the concert and I took photos of our food and the menu. I am not above this whole phone phase, and I'm not trying to pretend that I am. However, I did start to get very frustrated with people yesterday, and then especially upset with the person next to me. Here's why...

Before the concert started, and between Miguel's set and Sia coming on, everyone was on their phone! All you saw around the Air Canada Centre was phone screens. Instead of chatting with the person you came to the concert with, people were playing game son their phones to pass the time. Fine, in itself perhaps that isn't so bad, but there are 2 specific moments where I lost it. 
First, as soon as Sia came on stage, the girl next to me proceeded to open her phone to google the concert set list. Why? Why do you NEED to know which songs are coming up? If you like her music, if you are a fan, if you paid to come see her, why do you need to know in advance? Just sit back and enjoy the show, enjoy the surprise of not knowing exactly which songs she will perform and in which order. And please, don't ruin it for me, the person sitting next to you who is constantly being blinded and distracted by your phone screen. You are impeding on my enjoyment of the show. 
Second moment is those people who want to capture EVERYTHING on their phone to share it with friends. So desperately that you miss the concert because you are trying to get the perfect (non-blurry, non distorted, not too bright but not too dark) picture to share on social media. You want to take a picture here and there, fine, those are good memories. But tinkering on your phone for the entire concert trying to get pictures and sound clips and blocking my view because you want a better angle and all in all ruining my experience of the show - that's not fine. I'm not okay with that. 

We need to remember to enjoy things in the moment. Not everything is meant to be captured on screen, and I saw that with difficulty because I am one of those people who tries to capture a lot on camera and on my phone. But there are times when we need to just put it down and enjoy the experience. 

Happy Sunday everyone ❣

Monday 10 October 2016

I'm Back?

Hello readers!

So, I've been away for a while. Not on vacation or anything, but mentally away. Let me explain, the transition to going back to work has been a mega challenge. In some aspects I'm doing alright, such as getting back into the work routine and actually getting through the day. In other ways, I'm doing terribly, such as cooking dinner after work, making sure the apartment is tidy, working out and so on.

I was feeling really down about everything, and I guess I still am, but I'm trying not to let it get to me. My therapist acknowledged that it's hard to have 2 working people and to keep up a household. Yes, some people manage it, and no, I don't even have kids yet, but she's letting me know that just because I think everyone else seems to have it together, that's not always the case. It's normal to be struggling with juggling so many things in life. That comforts me. Although it doesn't fix anything, it lets me know that I'm not failing where the rest of the world is succeeding.

I'm using this blog a bit like a journal, to share some inner thoughts, frustrations and anecdotes from time to time. I would also like to start sharing some stuff I wrote in the past in order to get opinions and to help me start writing again. Not today though, I'm asking too much of myself, haha. I'm also still trying to figure out what I want this blog to be about and what direction I want to go in so that readers can enjoy it. Any suggestions are welcome!

Since I find it comforting to find out that I'm not abnormal or a failure when I think I am, I'd like to share a few thoughts in the hopes that someone else reading this will know that they are doing well also, even if they don't feel like they are!

Did you know:

- Apparently only around 30% of women get pregnant within the first month of trying. It bumps up to 60% after 3 months of trying, around 80% after 6 months and around 90% within a year. Now, if you don't know this, you can understand why after 2 months of trying a girl might feel inadequate or as if something is wrong. And then there's people getting pregnant "by accident" all around you, it's frustrating.

- Loosing weight is more about what you eat than how much you exercise? I need to be better about my food choices - part of me being "mentally absent" has unfortunately led to me ordering out more than cooking. This week I have a plan though!
Tuesday: Veggie Burrito Bowl
Wednesday: Lasagna leftover
Thursday: Chicken with potatoes and asparagus
Friday: Homemade tomato sauce and spaghetti.
I know if I sit down and take the time to plan, I usually stick to it. That's my goal going forward. Make a plan and stick to it! I did however put my kickboxing membership on hold just until I get life back on track. Hopefully that's soon!

I would like to blog another 2 times this week, so I'm hoping to get to that. I'm also thinking of starting a second blog dedicated solely to teaching stuff. Thoughts on that?

Goodnight everyone! I thoroughly enjoyed my extra day off, but it's back to the grind tomorrow. Have a great week!