Thursday 7 February 2019

Artsy stuff

It's so hard to find time to write! Baby girl barely naps, and she won't sleep until late so by that time, I just want to crawl into my bed and sleep!
I wish I could hook up a contraption to my brain that would type out my thoughts though, because I have a ton of time to think about what I'm going to write, just no time to sit down and do it. I'm also going back to work in a few weeks, so I'll have even less time.
Anyway, I'm still working on the meal delivery comparison - I have all of two sentences written! I'm debating about the format. I was hoping to do one long blog comparing everything, but I think I'll have to break it down into a few shorter blogs with a nice little chart at the end summing it all up. We shall see. But, that's not what today's post is about! Nope, today I'm here to talk about a failed art experiment with baby girl.

I saw this on Pinterest (  and thought it was cute. I pinned it and forgot about it, as I do with most things on those boards. Anyway, while looking for something else, this pin popped back up and I thought it might be fun to try. I dissuaded myself a few times, and in all fairness, I told myself that it would just be a disaster. But, I couldn't stop thinking about it, and the potentially cute result. Also, nothing is keeping baby girl happy today, and mommy is tired, so I thought this would buy me 5 minutes.

 Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Okay, it wasn't a complete disaster like there was paint everywhere (just a little here and there....) But it definitely wasn't a success. I hadn't planned on her deciding to rip the plastic wrap off instead of smooshing it around with the paint. I hadn't planned on her trying to eat it, although I really should have because she puts everything in her mouth. Anyway, this was a stressful five minutes and the results are.... mediocre. I think this activity is made for a calm baby, which is definitely not the definition of this sassy girl!

Anyway, here are a few pictures to accompany the story. Stay tuned, cause I'll be using her masterpieces to letter on.

Tuesday 29 January 2019

So, it's been another year...

Hahahaha, my last post on this blog was last year! And I only wrote one post last year! Perhaps I thought that when I'd be on maternity leave, I'd have time to blog! I would have a ton of material, to be honest, but absolutely no energy or will. And, admittedly, since not many people read this blog I guess I was inspired to continue with it. However, I do feel like I might get back into it, at least writing more than ONE blog in 2019. 

Today's post won't be long, but I WILL be back. 

I recently tried out a bunch of different weekly meal kit plans and I want to write a comprehensive comparison of them all. So far, we've tried Goodfood, Chefs Plate and Hello Fresh. We still plan on trying one more company called Miss Fresh. 

In the coming weeks, I'll blog about the differences, similarities and ultimately which one we prefer and why. So, stay tuned for that! Drop a comment below if you read this and are looking forward to upcoming posts! I hope to start writing about adventures with Baby Girl, as well as some of my more artsy stuff again. 

Until next time... hopefully before January 2020!

Friday 5 January 2018

So, it's been a year...



So, it's been almost an entire year since my last post. There's no reason, honestly, other than to say I wasn't really willing to put in the necessary time and effort to keep up a blog. I still may not be... who knows. However, it's the 4th day in a row that I am awake at an unreasonable hour, frustrated beyond belief and on the verge of tears and I thought to myself : "Hey, go write a blog post!"

First things first, I no longer participate in Project 365, taking pictures every day. As a perfectionist, I put too much pressure on myself to find the perfect shot for a prompt and mostly ended up disappointed, or stressed, or both. A hobby should not cause that much stress. So, I moved on to different things : calligraphy and lettering. 365 days of it. Ha!

No but seriously, I've gotten into lettering and I tried to do it religiously every day, but, again, that's not my forte. So I usually end up playing catch up, but I enjoy it and letter the prompts when I legitimately feel like it.

In other news, I'm pregnant! I can't recall if I talked about pregnancy and trying to get pregnant in any previous posts. I'll have to check back. In any case, after a year and a half of trying to get pregnant and even going through fertility treatments, we're having a baby! I'm currently 22 weeks pregnant which translates to 5 and a half months. Let me be real with you : they have been the SHITTIEST five months of my life. Don't get me wrong, I'm so, so happy to be having a baby. Hubby and I are SO excited. But I am not enjoying being pregnant, at all.

To everyone who says pregnancy is amazing : please, go fuck yourself. No really, unless you has a miracle pregnancy. Almost NO ONE talks about how shitty being pregnant is, so you feel alone. But then, when you start talking about how you're feeling, you find out almost EVERYONE feels the same. What the hell? Why are we so ashamed to say we feel like shit and we are emotional roller coasters during pregnancy?

Here's a bit of truth for you, in bullet form:

- I have been nauseous for 5 months. I used to barf every day, morning/afternoon/night, now I barf every couple of days, sometimes it comes with no warning; those days are fun. There are days where I am nauseous the entire time I am awake, other days it's just a wave of nausea that comes out of nowhere.

- I barely sleep, and I can't function. I sleep for a few hours at a time if that. I'm up CONSTANTLY either to go to the washroom, or because my brain has decided that's it, or my body aches from laying down, or baby doesn't like the position I'm in, or, or, or... the reasons are endless. Bottom line : I'm exhausted and baby isn't even here yet.

- People will give you all sorts of USELESS advice... if I can give you one piece of (not-so-useless) advice it's to ignore people's advice.By all means, you can sit there and listen to what they have to say, but in the end, you do you. Because every single pregnancy is different and although people can sometimes relate, no one knows exactly how you are feeling. And beware: women who had easy/fun/enjoyable pregnancies will NOT BELIEVE YOU. They will assume that you are exaggerating how you feel. Tell them to go away. Simple as that.

I'll end this post here because... well it's getting long. I would say hopefully I'll be posting again soon, but no promises. However, I do have plenty of pregnancy woes that could be hilarious... maybe I'll start this up again.

Until next time!

Sunday 29 January 2017

Always catching up....

Well, the writing hasn't been going so well. But it's okay. I've been trying to keep up with the photos and then when I get around to posting them on the blog it gives me an opportunity to write. So, here we go!

Photo Prompts January 12th to 28th

Day 12: Icy Bokeh

I admit, I had to look up the word "bokeh" because I had absolutely no idea what it meant. Anyway, I visited the Chihuly exhibition at the Royal Ontario Museum and this seemed perfect for the prompt. I did however use an app to add the bokeh. I really enjoy how this turned out.

Day 13 : Currently Loving

So, my dog loves stuffed toys. A lot. She plays with them, she chews on them, she sleeps with them, and she even does the dirty with them (yes, i'm serious). Anyway, she got this one at Christmas but we had put it away cause she had another one. Finally we pulled this one out. She looks super cute and loving in the first picture. Unfortunately, 24 hours later she savagely had chewed its face off.

Day 14: Inviting

These are my slippers. On a cold wintry day they are very inviting, super cozy and warm.

Day 15: Now

My wonderfully talented cousin made this pillow cover for my husband and I. I chose it for the prompt because before I was Ms. Portelance and now I am Mrs. Fernandes.

Day 16: Quiet

School starts at 9 am. Most people arrive between 8:30 and 8:45. I like to show up at 7:30. Yes, it's early. And yes, some days I decide to sleep in a bit longer. But I like to get there early because its quiet and I can focus. I can catch up on some of my work and I am alone. As soon as people start arriving the hustle and bustle of a regular day starts and I no longer feel calm and relaxed.

Day 17: Bubbles

Day 18: Chosen
                                                              I got these chocolates as a Christmas gift from one of my students' parents. I didn't touch them because I thought it was so cool and so nice and I just wanted to admire the chocolates and the packaging. However, I bit the bullet on this day and picked out the chocolate from Ecuador. I picked it because my mom has a friend from Ecuador and it seemed like an appropriate place to start. Let me just say that these are some of the most delicious dark chocolates I have ever, ever eaten. Fingers crossed that I get more of these some day soon, as they aren't available in Canada. 
Day 19: Chilly
Day 20: Neighbourhood

This is a repost from earlier in the summer when I would walk my dog in the neighbourhood early in the morning. 

Day 21: Winter Berries

I got really lucky with this picture. I was walking on the Danforth with my mom after we got our nails done and I happened to spot these decorative pots that had been up for Christmas. Thankfully no one took them away and some of them still had berries in them! I'm glad I was able to capture this, otherwise I would have had to gotten more creative.

Day 23 to 26

Top Left : Action (January 23)
One of my students writing a sign to help us remember what goes in the recyling bin.

Top Right : Open (January 24)
My tangerine is open.

Bottom Left: What I'm Eating (January 25)
A handful of almonds. Yum, yum yum.

Bottoms Right : Spontaneous
(January 26)
Coloured rice in my classroom's sensory bin.

Day 27 : Dried Flowers

Day 28 : Fortune

This is my "piggy" bank, which is actually a hippo. Small change can add up to a small fortune with time. 
That's it! I truly hope to get back to writing a bit more this week and to keep up with photos and blogging so that I don't have to spend this time catching up! Please leave comments below if you enjoyed any of these pictures or have any questions or comments!

Happy Sunday everyone! 

Saturday 14 January 2017

Avoiding More Important Things....

The best time to blog is when you're supposed to be doing something else!

I have fallen way behind on all my challenges this month, but it's okay. I'm not stressed about it. I think when this happens I will just take the time to catch up on weekends. That being said, I did participate in most of the photo challenges on Instagram, I just din't get around to blogging about it. I also wrote a bit in my journal, not every day but a couple of days, and again, just didn't get around to posting it. Sometimes I write things that I'm not ready to share with the world yet either, so I just keep those ones to myself. 

Let's start with the Photos! I'm only up to Jan 11th, will finish the rest today!

Photos Prompts from January 8th to 11th 

January Eighth: Get in the Picture

It's not very original, I know.... it was a last minute photo. It was also a moment of self love, so i'll take it!

January Ninth: Game

I'm not entirely sure if this qualifies as a game. I bought this a while back for a plane ride and... never touched it again. 

January Tenth: Print

One of my favourite photos so far this month. I'm not sure what it is really, perhaps that it's back and white, perhaps that it's "fresh off the press", maybe it's the elegant writing, or even just what this "print" symbolizes to me. Anyway, I'm proud of this picture. 

January Eleventh: Steaming

Alright, so this is more "steamy" and less "steaming". I tried to capture steam coming out of my electric kettle but it wasn't going so well. Anyway, that's when I hear hubby in the shower and I know he likes to take super hot showers. So, I closed the door, let the washroom steam up and then captured this shot :)

Writing Prompts from Jan 8th to 11th

The writing prompts haven't been going well to be honest. However, I do have a small amount or writing that accompanies my photos, so in my opinion that counts. That being said, I did get to jot a few things down this week that I'll share with you. 

January Ninth: Back to School [insert terrified emoji here]

Today was a good day. I might even say a great day! I have gotten into a pretty terrible habit of waking up feeling sad, anxious and all around miserable, getting through my day and then coming home ever sadder, usually angry and just wanting to shut off the world. However, today was not like that - not at all. 
Today I started with a new Early Childhood Educator who is absolutely amazing. She went beyond my expectations and made me breathe a sigh of relief knowing that if things continue this way the second part of the school year will be so much better than the first part I just suffered through. As if that wasn't enough, I went from a class of 30 kids to a class of 26 kids. For those of who not in the know: this makes a HUGE difference. Things ran pretty smoothly. As if that wasn't enough, I came home in a good mood, not feeling the least bit sad or angry and I walked in to my husband preparing dinner for us which was just icing on the cake. Today was a good day. 

January Tenth: 32 flavours

How am I to pick a single ice cream flavour to enjoy for the rest of my life? This writing prompt was almost torturous.  I ended up being stuck between Mint Chocolate Chip and Pistachio. I am in love with both of those flavours and would be so, so sad if one of them was no longer available. What is your opinion? What flavour can't you live without?

January Eleventh : Elevator Silence

Since moving in to this building five years ago, the elevator has given me anxiety for the sole reason of socializing. Is there elevator etiquette? I usually say hello to people and that's that. This afternoon, I climbed up a flight of stairs before taking the elevator. When the elevator doors opened there was a man inside heading to the 17th floor. I got in, said a soft hello, and promptly pushed 18. Then : complete silence. That's when I started feeling self conscious of my breathing - am I breathing too loud from walking up the stairs? Should I talk about the weather to take focus off my breathing? God, 17 floors is so so long! Maybe I should take one long deep breath... or maybe that's even weirder. Can the 17th floor just get here????? Lesson? There is none. Mostly : who cares. Keep saying hello and get on with life. :)

Saturday 7 January 2017

Eureka! Inspired!

Following the great advice of a friend (you know who you are, and thank you infinitely) and listening to her supportive words, I have decided that I will write when inspired and not force myself to write when I am not. As soon as I let myself be okay with that, I read down the prompts list. I found a topic that I could easily write about. So, we're back on. 

January Seventh - Teacher's Pet

This is more the story of a Not-So Teacher's Pet. Back in grade 3, I had a teacher, let's call her Mrs.Y, who was not very kind. For some reason or another, she was especially unkind to me. The sort of insensitive person who would say cruel things in a kind voice. I have never, ever forgotten this teacher, and I have vowed, as a teacher to always be careful what I say.
I won't say that my insecurities necessarily stem from her, but the two worst comments she ever made to me were about my weight and about my artistic capacities, both of which are things that fuel my low self confidence. 

One day, after summer break, I went back to school to find out that I had Mrs.Y this year. I had her before, when I was younger, and I don't especially remember anything too terrible. However, upon coming back to school in grade 3, she greeted us at the door of our old rotting portable class room. The typical "welcome back", "glad to see you" and "my have you grown" was heard as the students filed into class. When I placed my foot onto the first step, she smiled widely and said: "Bonjour Chantou, que tu as grossi!". Now, for those who don't speak French, the verb GROSSIR is to grow, but more precisely to get fatter. I felt completely humiliated and deflated. What a wonderful first day back. 

Throughout the year, she continued to call me Chantou, despite me reminding her and telling her angrily at times that my name isn't Chantou but in fact Chantal. I still, to this day, do not know why she chose to call me that. 

About halfway through the year, we had an art assignment. I don't remember the exact details but it had something to do with a self portrait. Now, I am by far not the best artist and my drawing capacities aren't great. However, in grade 3 I wasn't necessarily applying to art school. The day, as we sat at our desks working, Mrs. Y strolled through the aisles inspecting our work. She would walk by the desks and pass comments. "Oh wow, you are definitely a better artist than me!" she would say to one or two students. She walked by my best friend and said: " Oh... you're about just as bad as I am." I remember thinking that was awfully rude and I felt bad for my friend. I figured we'd talk about it at recess. A few steps further and she was next to me. I remember feeling anxious, hoping she wouldn't say anything at all. Nothing is better than anything degrading. Unfortunately, my wishes were ignored that say as she opened her mouth and said, in French of course: "Wow, you are much worse at drawing than me!". I didn't even know how to react. I just felt sad. What else could I do anyway? 

There's no easy way to end this little story except to say that I was so, so glad when that year was over and crossed my fingers that I would never have to be in her class again. That final wish was indeed answered. 

Playing Catch Up - January Fifth, Sixth & Seventh

Just posting pictures for now because I haven't been able to get in to the writing part much. Hopefully inspiration hits soon. 

January 5th Photo Prompt: Smile

Spotted a smile while working on my cross stitch. 

January 6th Photo Prompt: Where I Stand

Barefoot on a concrete balcony while it's freezing cold outside. I somehow liked the contrast of painted toes and dirty old concrete. 

January 7th Photo Prompt: Minty White

Delicious mint hot chocolate. Perfect for a chilly winter day. 

Hopefully I'll be back soon with some creative writing. Have a lovely weekend!