Friday 5 January 2018

So, it's been a year...



So, it's been almost an entire year since my last post. There's no reason, honestly, other than to say I wasn't really willing to put in the necessary time and effort to keep up a blog. I still may not be... who knows. However, it's the 4th day in a row that I am awake at an unreasonable hour, frustrated beyond belief and on the verge of tears and I thought to myself : "Hey, go write a blog post!"

First things first, I no longer participate in Project 365, taking pictures every day. As a perfectionist, I put too much pressure on myself to find the perfect shot for a prompt and mostly ended up disappointed, or stressed, or both. A hobby should not cause that much stress. So, I moved on to different things : calligraphy and lettering. 365 days of it. Ha!

No but seriously, I've gotten into lettering and I tried to do it religiously every day, but, again, that's not my forte. So I usually end up playing catch up, but I enjoy it and letter the prompts when I legitimately feel like it.

In other news, I'm pregnant! I can't recall if I talked about pregnancy and trying to get pregnant in any previous posts. I'll have to check back. In any case, after a year and a half of trying to get pregnant and even going through fertility treatments, we're having a baby! I'm currently 22 weeks pregnant which translates to 5 and a half months. Let me be real with you : they have been the SHITTIEST five months of my life. Don't get me wrong, I'm so, so happy to be having a baby. Hubby and I are SO excited. But I am not enjoying being pregnant, at all.

To everyone who says pregnancy is amazing : please, go fuck yourself. No really, unless you has a miracle pregnancy. Almost NO ONE talks about how shitty being pregnant is, so you feel alone. But then, when you start talking about how you're feeling, you find out almost EVERYONE feels the same. What the hell? Why are we so ashamed to say we feel like shit and we are emotional roller coasters during pregnancy?

Here's a bit of truth for you, in bullet form:

- I have been nauseous for 5 months. I used to barf every day, morning/afternoon/night, now I barf every couple of days, sometimes it comes with no warning; those days are fun. There are days where I am nauseous the entire time I am awake, other days it's just a wave of nausea that comes out of nowhere.

- I barely sleep, and I can't function. I sleep for a few hours at a time if that. I'm up CONSTANTLY either to go to the washroom, or because my brain has decided that's it, or my body aches from laying down, or baby doesn't like the position I'm in, or, or, or... the reasons are endless. Bottom line : I'm exhausted and baby isn't even here yet.

- People will give you all sorts of USELESS advice... if I can give you one piece of (not-so-useless) advice it's to ignore people's advice.By all means, you can sit there and listen to what they have to say, but in the end, you do you. Because every single pregnancy is different and although people can sometimes relate, no one knows exactly how you are feeling. And beware: women who had easy/fun/enjoyable pregnancies will NOT BELIEVE YOU. They will assume that you are exaggerating how you feel. Tell them to go away. Simple as that.

I'll end this post here because... well it's getting long. I would say hopefully I'll be posting again soon, but no promises. However, I do have plenty of pregnancy woes that could be hilarious... maybe I'll start this up again.

Until next time!